Vision and Mission Statements
“Let your light shine.” Matthew 5:16
School Vision
Broadbottom CE Primary School promises to provide a happy, safe, Christian learning environment for all pupils to flourish and thrive, developing talents, interests, excellent learning attitudes and behaviours.
Our Christian vision is rooted in the teachings of Jesus Christ, promoting love, compassion, forgiveness, and justice. We offer an environment that reflects these values, fostering an atmosphere of kindness, empathy, and understanding.
We aim to develop life skills, tolerance and resilience, in a school environment that cherishes individuality and positively encourages pupils. As a church school, pupils are taught to have a good moral compass with many models of exceptional behaviour which point to God and exemplify beacons of light.
“Let your light shine,” Matthew 5:16
With Christianity at the heart of our intentions, we aim to:
- Strengthen the spirituality of staff and pupils, whilst creating a culture of high expectations, that is mindful of health and wellbeing
- Provide high quality teaching and learning, that develops individual potential and enriches pupil’s lives
- Engage in partnerships that support and serve the school community
- Continue to review and challenge the curriculum for our pupils, to ensure it is relevant for their future workforce needs
- Continually improve performance through evaluation of practice
- Equip children and families with the knowledge, skills, independence and resilience to face future challenges
- Instil traditional values of hard work, courtesy, respect and good behaviour
- Nurture an understanding of how special and unique we are in the eyes of God
- Broaden our knowledge and understanding of world issues and develop courageous advocates who will be brave enough to challenge and becomes agents for change
- Link our heritage with overseas charities to support others, as our local community has been supported in the past
Mission Statement
At Broadbottom CE (VC) Primary, we are extremely proud of our Christian Community School. We welcome everyone, embrace individuality and nurture and empower our pupils. We do this through an engaging curriculum that promotes faith, understanding and skills, and is underpinned by Christian and British Values.
We offer all pupils the opportunity to:
- Love God and to follow His teachings
- Flourish and thrive and follow individual interests
- Be creative in thinking, outlook and approach
- Learn how to be forgiving in the eyes of God
- Develop well-being and healthy minds
- Become a beacon of light, sharing God’s given talents
- Believe in themselves and nurture a love of learning
- Develop their spirituality and to find inner calm
Our mission is to:
- Cherish our pupils and act as their champions.
- Provide safe, challenging opportunities to learn, blossom and grow.
- Surround pupils with fun, laughter, positivity and happiness, creating a place where memories are made.
- Trust each other to act with integrity and to forgive when we make mistakes.